Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Loaf of Bread.

Who would think a loaf of bread could bless someone so much ?

Every Thursday in the Summer the kids and I walk the streets of Fenton to watch the people, meet the people heck just be among the people. We love to look at the crafts and the fruits and vegetables, really it's a lot of fun!

Each week the kids love stopping at a homeschool families booth. The girls in the family make all sorts of crafts so each week we pick up something little.
We are up to like 10 felt finger puppets! They only cost $.50 a piece and it blesses their family so much to see our kids love the things they make.

Tonight they had some really cute tic tac toe games that the girls had made. They come in a little pouch and then the outside has squares. The circles have been hand painted with x and o's. I love it.

Now for the bread part. Every week there is samples of this amazing bread!!! It's from Great Harvest Bread Company. The owner is sooo sooo sweet. She always is passing out samples to my kids and just oozing with sweetness. All their cookies and breads are delicious. Anyways tonight was different. The kids have been sooo incredibly good this week with structure and listening ect... but i've had the feeling of I suck am i doing this right ect... Well we walked away from the table to go to our car and the lady came chasing me down. She said i just wanted to let you know your sweet and gentle spirit is so hard to find. You seem like a great momma with well behaved respectful children. She continued to hand me a loaf of this Cinnamon Concoction called Bread and say i just want to bless you for you being you. It took everything in me not to cry. For me it had nothing to do with the bread it was the fact that my obedience to GOd to train My children resulted in a light to this women. A light that she said was usually hard to find. Thank you Jesus for letting my children shine and for allowing me to be apart of turning that switch on in them!

By the way the bread company is located on Perry Road in Grand Blanc! Amazing Amazing yummy stuff over there!


  1. Yeah God. thank you for reminding Rachael she is your treasure.

  2. That's awesome!
    It takes time to adjust to homeschooling... it's a lifestyle shift/change. Relax, take it all in ... you're not going to "mess 'em up"! I promise you!

  3. That's so neat Rachael, God is so cool. We used to live right off Perry Rd. and I never went in that place....guess I should have!

  4. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing. It's always so wonderful when perfect strangers not only see but acknowledge your hard work and dedication. Praise the Lord!
